A hard week this week, but only at work, lots of early mornings, late nights, dinners in good restaurants. Mainly the stuff they are paying me for.
The weather is picking up, shirt sleeves the order of the day on the golf course. Played golf with a remarkable Chinese gentleman at the weekend. He is three years younger than me, has 6 children, four boys and 2 girls. The eldest being 12. He lives close to me on the compound. However more importantly he has been to Scunthorpe many times. This came out in discussion as I was practising my Chinese phrases and asked where he was from. He responded and asked me, and followed up and asked if I had ever been to Scunthorpe!! You can probably guess he used to supply raw materials (Coke) to the steel works in Scunthorpe (and elsewhere in the UK). He now produces steel, H Beams and other bars. He owns a plant in Shaanxi province.
Played golf on another course – east of Shanghai – which I mention for the fact that the driver followed the sat nav very closely. As we were very near he turned left onto a very narrow bumpy potholed track between a large hedge and a canal. He kept following the direction indicator down the track until we were at the golf course. Which we weren’t. As he zoomed in we were to the side of the picture on the sat nav. A few phone calls later, we turned round, and then made it back to the main road. Turned onto the road and right in front was a large overhead sign saying Bin Hai golf, turn left – 50 yards further on. Still we had a good game of golf notable by the caddies wearing hard hats!
So more work to do during the day and the Cricket world cup live in the evening. So I can sit there in perfect peace and quiet, no whats on the other channel, no can you check this, and watch England throw away a game, get back in it, cannot lose it, and end up in a tie!